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Hello, I'm Aleksandar!

Aspiring Frontend Developer

Motivated to grow through practical experience and continuous learning in JavaScript and React.

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Recent Projects

Here are some of the projects I've worked on while developing my skills in web development.

Tic-Tac-Toe game
Project Management App (React – Udemy Course Project)

Built an interactive project management application as part of a React-focused course. The app allows users to create, organize, and track projects and tasks, featuring effective state management, dynamic UI updates, and responsive design practices.

Tic-Tac-Toe game
Tic Tac Toe (React – Udemy Course Project)

Developed an interactive Tic Tac Toe game during a React-focused course. The project features dynamic component rendering, intuitive interactions, and responsive design. Demonstrates fundamental React concepts and practical frontend development skills.

GG Almont Website
GG Almont Website

Developed a responsive website for GG Almont, featuring clean design, intuitive navigation, and full accessibility. It allows users to easily access information, providing a smooth experience across devices.

Time Tracker App
Time Tracker

Built a time tracker app that lets users create and manage tasks, start/stop timers, and reset as needed. Users can edit and delete tasks, tracking time effectively. All data is stored through tasks for easy management.

Weather App
Weather App

Built a weather app that provides a detailed forecast, allowing users to view current weather conditions and upcoming trends. The app lets users search locations, track temperatures, and monitor precipitation.